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Complaints Procedure


1. General provisions

Taneční studio Stolárna, s.r.o., IČO 01784285 (hereinafter referred to as the dance studio), which provides services in the field of dance education, publishes this complaint procedure in accordance with Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection, as amended.


2. Scope and conditions of the claim/complaint

The customer has the right to submit a claim/complaint to the dance studio for all courses regarding: the instructor's teaching method and/or the organization of the course.

The customer always makes a claim/complaint in writing immediately after discovering the subject of the claim/complaint, to the address Taneční studio Stolárna, s.r.o., Růženec 48, Brno 64400 or by e-mail to


A written claim/complaint must include: the customer's first and last name, the customer's address and a description of the subject of the claim/complaint.


If the document sent by the customer to the supplier does not contain the above-mentioned data necessary for the proper submission of a claim/complaint, this document will not be qualified as a claim/complaint.


3. Method and time limits for handling claims/complaints

The dance studio is obliged to handle the claim/complaint no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the claim/complaint from the customer, unless the dance studio and the customer have agreed on a longer period. The date of receipt means the date when the claim/complaint was delivered to the above address of the dance studio.

The method of resolving a complaint/complaint about:

lecturer's teaching method

the dance studio registers the claim/complaint and checks the subject of the claim/complaint in the given course (e.g. professional observation of the course, interview with the lecturer, etc.), and if it considers the claim/complaint to be relevant, it ensures adequate redress, e.g. training of the lecturer, replacement of the lecturer or moving the customer to another instructor's course

in the event that, after this solution, the customer files another claim/complaint with the same subject of claim/complaint, the dance studio may individually compensate the customer for the course, which will be determined by the management of the Stolárna dance studio


course organization

the dance studio registers and assesses the claim/complaint by comparing it with the original course layout and business conditions, in which the specific conditions for changes in the courses are stated

if the dance studio considers the claim/complaint to be relevant, it will propose adequate compensation to the customer for the given course

in the event that, after this solution, the customer submits another claim/complaint with the same subject of claim/complaint, individual compensation for the course may occur to the customer from the dance studio, which will be determined by the management of the dance studio


4. Final provisions

This complaint procedure is valid from 1.1. 2020 and pays for the clarification of the business conditions of the Stolárna dance studio.

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